I'm an irreverent and a rebel woman, and that suits me. If you don't wanna like me and don't wanna read me, why are you here? I'm a woman without filter, and I don't like words of easy digestion. Also, I don't give a fuck what anyone think about who truly I am. That’s me☝🏻 …

SIEMPRE TE EXTRAÑO MI AMOR‎ افتقدك دائما حبي وانتظرك لقرون

Mi amor, todo lo que anhelo ahora es estar contigo, abrazada a tu pecho, sentir el calor de tu cuerpo, sentir el latido de tu corazón en mis pechos, oler tu aroma en mis labios, tus labios sobre mis labios. Tus manos alrededor de mi cuerpo. Solos tú y yo fundidos en el calor de …


Never be a foolish one, flows like the water and fly with the wind. A wise woman and a wise man flows like the water and fly with the wind. They fight always to the end, and they’re not gonna disappear from the earth. #Ka